Make Me a Mummy at MOSI

I was able to submit a bid and won to MOSI (museum of science and industry of tampa). I was pretty excited to create living and walking mummies for their “Make Me a Mummy” event. It was very family friendly so they wanted people who would look like mummies but not scare anyone.

First try at mummy

This was my first attempt at a mummy design, prior to seeing any actual mummies.


MOSI header

this one is to duplicate their ad.



After seeing the real mummies, I was able to conceptualize the design a little more. I made this ad for them to use for the event. It is my face painted and it is designed to look like their promo.

Final Mock Up for Video

Final Mock Up for Video

After I finished the costumes I was able to do the design and really finish it with the costume. I am really excited about the event.

Final with a different camera, shows costume


I started with a muslim type of dress and stained it with everything I could find. I used Faux Fur for the top and stained it and airbrushed it with dark brown. I took twine for the edges to make it look like a prehistoric shrug. The other model’s outfit is more of an egyptian skirt with a long sweater jacket without sleeves. They wanted his torso partially covered so that is the reason for the jacket. Here is a step by step mummy design I did for the event. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you can come up with yourself.
Face Painted Living Mummy step by step design by f1431666308

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